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〔20th〕Industrial Property Law Commentary Reader

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참고 도서
개발자: Catalystwo Limited
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== Edition 20 has been published ==
The pdf file “工業所有権法逐条解説” is supplied by the Japanese Patent Office for downloading with free of charge.
This pdf describes the official view from JPO for each article as commentaries.

Browsing it in iBooks causes some problems.
- Opening the document is slow especially iBook is used to read other books.
- When a user wants to read a particular article, the user has to find it manually .
- Highlighting is not available for PDFs.

This application is based on PDF reader “”, which renders PDF by using CoreGraphicis PDF library. However, CoreGraphics PDF library does not have search functionality. They only supplies low level APIs.

To solve these issues, we have built the search index file on Mac by using Quartz’ PDF library. The search index is bundled with the app that has been shipped.

The search index file has been built with Ream Swift.
Ream Swift is built to go well with Swift. Fetching query/sorting is described as Swift Array’s chaining.
let sortedDogs = realm.objects(Dog.self).filter("color = tan AND name BEGINSWITH B").sorted(byProperty: "name")

It needed to be careful that the resulted collection is ‘lazily’ instantiated and actual fetching occurs when accessing attributes.

The Realm file is synchronised across devices via iCloud Documents.

This edition displays the differences compared to 19th edition by referencing the database generated by using Diff.

Other considerations
Some Japanese characters in this pdf were re-compiled when making the search index.
For example, the letter が (U+304B U+3099) is used in the original PDF, which is coded as か (U+304B) and a phonetic accent mark ゙ (U+3099). They are converted to more common single letter が (U+304C) in the search index.

To not violate the copyright law, users need to download the original PDF by themselves to install.
Creating search index for the analysing purpose is an exception to the copyright law.

The search index file is 33MB, consists of 1.3 million records. Each record represents a letter and its layout information.

This app is based on PDF reader “”, with original overlay feature, such as highlighting, text selection. The text selection UI is consists of original “vertical magnifying glass” with draggable knobs.

The project is built on Swift/Objective-C with DDD+MVVC, including 4000 lines of original Swift code and 800 lines of original ObjC codes (measured with CLOC).



書籍『工業所有権法(産業財産権法)逐条解説』〔第20版〕(一般社団法人発明推進協会発行)(青本)のPDF版を手軽に読むことができる 青本 ビューワ アプリ です。

Safariで当該PDFをダウンロード(表示)させた後、左上の「その他…」or「次の方法で開く…」をタップし、「iCloud Driveに追加」を選択して保存します。
読み込まれたPDFファイルはアプリ内部に保存されますので、iCloud Driveに保存さたファイルは削除して構いません。
